See How Experts Evaluate ZWCAD

"Although this is my first time to test this program, I am totally impressed by the ease-of-use which allows me to freely use it once I start. The cost-effectiveness, ease of installation, and ability to run on something less than a very expensive workstation are definitely driving designers to choose it."

User Interface, Google Earth Support, Unicode, Reference Manager
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Jeffrey Heimgartner has over 20 years of CAD industry experience, a background in farming and construction. Previously owned an industrial drafting and design company, ATS, he is now working... more
"I have never seriously considered changing my application to an alternative, but with the impressive compatibility and development API, and its product quality, I will most certainly be considering ZWCAD when I want to upgrade next."

DWG and DWF Compatibility, Cloud Workflow, .NET API.
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William Forty has 10 years experience working in both the mechannical and civil engineering industry. He is proficient in most mainstream programming languages and web technologies... more
"Should a reduction in the processing time of drawings be important, then the new tools in ZWCAD like SmartVoice, dynamic blocks, and CUI will be a great contribution."

SmartVoice, Dynamic Block, CUI, Online Update.
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Daniel Dobrzynsk is a AutoCAD expert from R1 to current version and a certificated Autodesk teacher for more than 20 years... more
"I try always to find reasons not to like a new program, but I am struggling here. ZWCAD is a well presented package, with a slick operation and smooth feel. It is well worth a look by anyone dealing with drawings."

Easy-to-use, Data Import and Export, Express Tools, Layer Translator.
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Steve Lynch is a project engineer in the UK with 16 years experience with building structures and major civil engineering projects... more
"I sometimes consult on compatibility, and from this I have a collection of tough drawing with which test DWG files. Here ZWCAD scored excellent, displaying every test drawing correctly."

User Interface, SmartMouse, DWG Compatibility, Customization.
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Ralph Grabowski is a renowned CAD expert that has published 140 books and several hundred magazine articles about computer-aided design... more
"With the combination of ease of use, DWG native format, feature rich commands, user interface, and affordable price point of ZWCAD, it's looking like I may of just turned the corner and freed myself from an old way of thinking."

Ribbon Interface, DWG and DXF Compatibility, LISP, File Compare, SmartMouse.
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Ray Howard is a civil engineer, with 18 years of hands-on technical industry experience working in civil engineering and surveying... more
"I tried a couple of satellite imagery ECW files to see how raster image files are handled in ZWCAD. Pretty good, I would say, even when zoomed in. Pan performance was acceptable and vector data overlaid on the image handled well."

Raster image, User Interface, Handle DWG File Support, API Compatibility.
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Rakesh is an expert on DWG based CAD software, including add-ons. His background skills include GIS/survey/ mapping software... more
"Drawing in 2D model space will be a very familiar experience. The experience is enhanced further by gesture commands. Once you have them memorized, I think they will increase your drawing productivity."

2D and 3D Modeling, Drafting and Annotation, Design Center, SmartMouse.
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David Kingsley has 42 years of experience in the mechanical design industry. He has written significant portions of AutoDesk Official Training Courseware for AutoCAD and Inventor 2009 and 2010... more
"ZWCAD Mechanical performs adequately the job it is meant to do. ZWCAD has come a long way since its inception, and ZWCAD Mechanical is a mature product that can be used effectively for drafting 2D mechanical drawings."

Parts Library, Shaft and Gear Generators, Part Builder.
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Ron Green has written extensively about computer-aided design for nearly three decades. He was a professional engineer for a number of years, and has his degree in engineering... more

Phần mềm thiết kế ZWCAD được phát triển bởi tập đoàn ZWSOFT từ 1995. Dành cho các kỹ sư, nhà thiết kế các ngành công nghiệp CAD/CAM và AEC. Với hơn 600.000 ngàn người sử dụng tại 80 quốc gia và 120 đối tác toàn cầu. Giải pháp của ZWCAD đã được các công ty trong nước sử dụng và đánh giá cao, phù hợp với nhu cầu, quy mô từ hàng chục cho đến hàng ngàn kỹ sư. Xem các khách hàng

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